Days of Noah
The story of Noah is single-handedly one of the most popular stories in the bible. Here at AnimMan Studios, this story is dear to our hearts. We love the mystery and intrigue involved in imagining that time for Noah and his family.
From concept to completion, this project will capture your imagination and immerse you into a world full of mystery, adventure, dread, fear, and most of all hope and love. Imagine with us for a moment…seeing the animals responding to the call of God, watching the hand of God shutting the door, being inside the ark as the first waves hit, lift and free it from land, seeing the ark experience the violence of the conditions and much, much more.

Days of noah
High Quality Prints
These four images were done a few years ago and have since gone all over the world touching hearts and lives. They are available in several forms of media, from fine art prints to posters. They bring a unique perspective and design to the Noah story and will certainly be the topic of conversation for those who look at them.
Days of Noah
Book (Coming Soon)
Why would scripture tell us that when the Lord returns it would be like the days of Noah? Do we understand what this event was really like? Can you imagine what it must have been like? Smell the smells, feel the fear, see the ground break and hear the groanings of a family's reality come apart? Were Noah and his family afraid? This cataclysmic event has today's scholars baffled. Experience it for yourself and feel your heart get rattled as the story comes to life in never before seen imagery.